In Kentucky, personalizing your license plate offers a chance to express yourself, despite some restrictions on plate frames. The state's Transportation Cabinet offers over 150 different plate options, catering to veterans, university alumni, and individuals with disabilities. You can explore all available designs on drive.ky.gov.
To start the process for a personalized plate, applicants need to follow these steps:
- Visit the plate list application page to verify the availability of your desired character combination.
- Choose your preferred plate design by selecting "personalize this plate."
- Once availability is confirmed, submit your request online by clicking "request this plate."
Upon pre-approval of your plate request, you'll receive an email confirmation. Take this email to your county clerk's office to pay the personalized plate fee of $25, along with the registration fee. If your request is declined, you'll receive notification via email and can appeal online. Appeals are reviewed monthly by a committee, and their decisions are final. For inquiries, contact KYTC.PersonalizedPlates@ky.gov.