Los Angeles, CA: A home in Pacific Palisades, once owned by the late actor Matthew Perry, has miraculously survived the recent devastating wildfires that ravaged the area. The property, now owned by Indian American real estate developer and film producer Anita Verma-Lallian, was spared from the destruction.
Verma-Lallian, who acquired the home in 2024, expressed her heartbreak on Instagram over the fires, which threatened her home but ultimately left it intact. She thanked firefighters, neighbors, and the community for their tireless efforts to protect the area. “Watching our home catch fire was like losing a piece of our soul,” she shared.
After purchasing the home, Verma-Lallian held a traditional Hindu blessing ceremony and praised the beauty and tranquility of the neighborhood. She also honored Perry's memory by retaining the Batman logo he had added to the pool.
A strong advocate for South Asian representation in Hollywood, Verma-Lallian encouraged her followers to support relief efforts, including the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation, in the wake of the disaster. The Pacific Palisades community is now focused on rebuilding and recovery.