Post Misconduct Tracking WV Police Officers Careers

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Post Misconduct Tracking WV Police Officers Careers

Anthony Reese's encounter with Officer Todd Hannah began when a stranger started cursing at him in Dunbar. Reese, unsure if the man was a police officer, soon learned it was Hannah, who accused Reese of being a criminal he had been monitoring. The confrontation escalated with Hannah threatening to jail Reese and harm him physically. Weeks later, at the Dunbar Police Department, Reese saw Hannah in uniform, who then turned off his body camera, violently arrested Reese, and, with six other officers, beat him. This incident led to a lawsuit resulting in a $2 million settlement for Reese.

An internal investigation found that Hannah violated multiple department policies during the arrest. Although he resigned, he started working for Marmet Police while still under investigation. Public records indicated that Hannah resigned from Dunbar Police on September 9, 2023, but began his new role in Marmet on August 22. The Professional Standards Program revoked Hannah's certification due to his resignation under investigation, requiring him to appear before a subcommittee to regain it. The subcommittee, reviewing officer certifications and misconduct cases, revealed a pattern of officers with serious allegations being reactivated, including cases like Craig Cross and Michael Newcomb.

The Professional Standards Program's findings have broader implications for the justice system, impacting the credibility of officers involved in criminal trials. The disclosure of such information is crucial for ensuring fair trials, as noted by former Assistant U.S. Attorney Rachel Kincaid. Dragline has shared this data with the West Virginia Prosecuting Attorneys Institute to inform prosecutors of the officers' histories and plans to collaborate with the ACLU and Public Defender's Corp. of West Virginia to train defense counsel. Despite legal redress, victims like Reese remain fearful of encountering officers like Hannah, who continue to serve in other police departments.

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